Friday, December 21, 2018

UCLA Professor wants fewer white guy firefighters

Native American transgender "man"
and "his" hose
An article printed in the Harvard Business Review by a UCLA professor argued that there are too many white male firefighters in America.

Corinne Bendersky is a professor of Management and Organizations at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. She does unverifiable, useless research on "gender bias" in our country, a nation which possibly has the least gender bias on the planet, but she refuses to do gender bias "studies" in Islamic countries where gender bias is the law [aka sharia].

Bendersky posited “black firefighters still face challenges with social exclusion and explicit racism,” and “firefighters tend to default to a reductive set of traits (physical strength evaluated through strict fitness tests, for example) that serve to maintain white men’s dominance in the fire service.”

She is calling for more transgender men and women, more blacks and Hispanics, and more disenfranchised people to take over the jobs of white men firefighters. But only if they vote Democratic.

Hello fellow conservatives. At this time of year when everyone has a hand out for a hand-out, I don't. I simply want you to follow Brain Flushings and check out the ads on this page. It's free, I'm free and you're free to follow me or not. I hope you do. 

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

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