Saturday, December 8, 2018

Hamas gloat as U.S. fails to adopt a UN resolution condemning violence

The Palestinian terror group known as the "Fightin' Hamassholes" has taunted the United States of America after the useless United Nations General ASSembly failed to adopt a U.S. resolution condemning the terrorist group's rocket attacks against Jews in Israel.

The U.S.-led resolution would have condemned the Hamassholes for “repeatedly firing rockets into Israel and for inciting violence, thereby putting civilians at risk.” But the truth is, these Hamassholes were actually targeting civilians--women and children if they happened to be in the blast areas. It would have also demanded Hamas "and other militant actors, including Palestinian Islamic Jihad," cease all provocative and violent actions; and condemn Hamas' efforts to construct tunnels to infiltrate Israel and launch rockets into civilian areas, in order to kill as many Jews as possible, regardless of age or gender.

But after a procedural move by Kuwait and Bolivia, the body adopted a rule that meant the resolution needed a two-thirds majority to be adopted. The resolution ultimately picked up a plurality of 87 votes in support and 58 scumquats against -- with 32 pussy abstentions. But it was not enough to meet the two-thirds threshold needed for passage, proving once again that the UN is as useless as a harmonica to a gila monster.

According to The Jerusalem Post, Hamas said the U.S. defeat was a “slap in the face of America” and a “victory for the Palestinian resistance.”

So why is the United Nations still located on the east side of Manhattan and why are we funding these morons?

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