Monday, October 29, 2018

Sens. Warren and Harris accused of fundraising violations over Kavanaugh

The Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust (FACT), a watchdog group, filed a Senate ethics complaint Monday on Senators Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren. They charge the two with sending out fundraising emails asking for donations to support their votes against Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Unfortunately for these two clowns, they made the money request before they cast their votes against him.

It's common for a vote and then ask supporters to back that decision with money, but FACT says asking for money ahead of the vote crosses the line into vote-buying.

FACT asked the Senate Ethics Committee to probe fundraising emails sent by Warren (D-Mass.) and Harris (D-Calif.). Warren's email said she was demanding a delay on the judge's confirmation vote and asked for donations for her 2018 election campaign. Harris' emails detailed several of her disgusting actions as a member of the Judiciary Committee, including her questioning of the president's pick for SCOTUS, and asking for money.

Senate rules prohibit senators from "cashing in" on using their official political positions for personal gain. But they all do it, and that's a fact.

FACT said linking promises of official action with campaign contributions violates that principle. Lucky for Warren and Harris, they have no principles.

"This is a clear violation of the Senate Ethics rules which safeguard against the appearance or actuality of elected officials 'cashing in' on their official positions for political purposes," Kendra Arnold, executive director of FACT said.

Spoke-pieces for both senators went into hiding and made no comment.

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