Sunday, October 21, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change to 'existential threat' of Nazi Germany

Have you ever heard someone whose pretentious prolix makes you want to barf? Or perhaps laugh? That's Democratic Socialist [aka: socialist] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez [she will hereafter be referred to as "OC"]. She is just a few IQ points above being a complete idiot, but if she keeps sniffing whatever she's sniffing, she might drop down to the idiot level.

OC on Friday called for the total and immediate mobilization of American industry to combat climate change, claiming that it poses a "direct existential threat" to the world and is similar to the danger posed by Nazi Germany during World War II.

She was not clear as to how the climate will liquidate the Jews and kill all who oppose the government, but I'm certain she can pretend to know.

"So, when we talk about existential threats--the last time we had a really major existential threat to this country was around World War II," the almost idiot told supporters in Queens, New York, evidently not aware about a little thing called "The Bay of Pigs Crisis" that nearly got us into a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

"And so we've been here before, and we have a blueprint of doing this before," she said cryptically.

Does anyone actually understand what she's babbling about half the time?

"We had a direct existential threat with another nation [or two], this time it was Nazi Germany [and let's not forget Japan, but she forgot], and the Axes [sic], who explicitly made the United States as an enemy.

The future Nobel Prize winner in Economics calls for free college, single payer health care, a livable minimum wage, more government and it will magically get paid for by the evil "One Percent."

Her spiritual grandfather, Bernie Sanders, agrees with her take on the economy and how everybody should get free stuff "Becawz Wall Shtreet is corrupt!"

They will ruin, absolutely ruin, our economy.

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