Sunday, October 21, 2018

Warren admits 'I am not a citizen of any tribal nation' but listen . . .

Fauxcahontas has given up her tribal war bonnet and said, "I am not a citizen of any tribal nation. Only tribes determine tribal citizenship, it's not done by DNA."

See what she did there? She's saying that she isn't an official Native American, but her DNA says she has Native American genes.

Which might be true if 1/64th to 1/1024th part Native American impresses you. Most Western Europeans have better percentages than her, and the test she used "23 and Me," used South American data, not North American, so we don't even know the true accuracy.

For Warren to have a chance in the 2020 presidential campaign with the Democrats, she needs to have the right intersectionality, the right combination of traits: LGBT would put her at the top, but being in any minority group would have helped her chances. So she's apparently still trying to hang onto the notion that she has Indian blood, but she's whiter than the letters on this page.

She even lied when she said: "I've put out ten years of taxes. I've put out my hiring records, all the papers that anybody could find. I put out my family history, shoot, I even took a DNA test. It's there. I am an open book."

Yes. She's an open book, the kind known as a Dime Store Novel.
"Me and Memaw"
Warren listed herself as Native in the Association of American Law School Directory. While at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, where she taught from 1987 to 1995, The Boston Globe reported that she "had her ethnicity changed from white to Native American." She was also listed as such at Harvard University Law School, where she was a tenured faculty member beginning in 1995.

Warren's DNA test revealed that she might have a Native American family member or a family member from Central or South America, from 6 to 10 generations ago. That would make her the 1/64th and 1/1024th Native American [North or South or Central] as previously mentioned, and that translates to 98.5% to 99.9% white.

Freaking snow is less white than Elizabeth Warren.

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