Monday, October 22, 2018

Jim Acosta calls Trump names and mocks Sarah Sanders because he's fairly unbalanced

"Oh my love, my darling, I hunger for my touch"

Dear Diary,

The Comedy News Network's chief White House "correspondent" Jim Acosta dropped the "F" bomb on an ex-Melania Trump staffer on Twitter. He also called our president "dishonest, deceptive" and mocked Press Secretary Sarah Sanders' briefings on Monday at a CNN event in New York.

"I wouldn't put productive and a Sarah Sanders briefing in the same sentence," Acosta said when someone asked him if it's more productive to hear from Sanders or from Trump directly.

That got everybody knee-slapping, chuckling and guffawing as Acosta briefly glanced at his reflection on a nearby window, causing him to run his fingers through his hair and give his head a manly flip.

Some people still believe that Acosta is impartial, and others think he's a journalist. He is neither--he is an opinion scribbler and wouldn't know real journalism from a child's finger painting.

Acosta said that Sanders typically aims to “perform for the president” in order to maintain her own job security, obviously not having a clue as to what the job is of a White House Press Secretary. Her job, like any White House Press Secretary that preceded her, is to cover for the boss.

Acosta was on stage for a discussion moderated by CNN’s breathless Wolf Blitzer and featured New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman and White House Correspondents’ Association president Olivier Knox when the man most admired by himself aired his grievances about covering the Trump administration.

“Many of us didn’t expect Trump to win and it sort of turned the beat upside down,” Acosta pontificated as he checked his manicure. “We need security wherever we go, covering these rallies… you are under attack by the press office of the White House... you sort of have to rise above that and keep plowing through and do your job."

What a freaking hero he is--just ask him.

Trump has correctly called CNN “fake news” and pointed directly at Acosta who is obviously not the world's most honest reporter.

Acosta said he’s been told by many others that Trump’s persona is simply an “act,” and that his supporters don’t realize that when the president refers to news organizations as “fake news” it is simply part of his “shtick.”

But even if it's his "shtick," he's correct. Jim Acosta is not a reporter, he's an opinion guy, and that's what seems to be happening to most of the mainstream media.

“They think he’s deadly serious so they take up the cause and they come after us,” Acosta said. “The United States of America is supposed to be the standard bearer for democratic values all over the world. For the president of the United States to go around calling us ‘fake news’ and the ‘enemy of the people,’ to me, I don’t understand why this is even a debate or a discussion for journalists. It’s just wrong.”

Except that 92 percent of the news about Trump is negative. That's ridiculous, even if you don't agree with his policies or his personality. Let's face it, Trump is by no means a perfect individual but he clearly has gotten some good things done for the country.

Last week, Acosta apologized for saying ‘f-ck you” to a former Melania Trump staffer in a private Twitter message after the chief White House correspondent was widely criticized for the vulgar attack.

Acosta took the opportunity to poke fun at the situation on stage Monday when Blitzer began to speak, took a long, deep breath, then asked how he was doing.

“Occasionally you send a DM and everybody overreacts,” Acosta said trying to minimize his vulgar tweet. Twitter lit up against him.

Acosta, acting as a loudmouth creep, has made a habit of shouting and interrupting when Trump and members of his administration are available to the media.

Maybe it's time to insist CNN find someone who isn't Acosta and who is an actual journalist, but I don't believe they have anyone with those credentials.

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