Monday, October 15, 2018

Israeli PM Netanyahu promises 'painful' end to Hamas terror

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Israeli government is very close "to activities of a different sort--activities that include extremely powerful blows."

Bibi at the weekly Cabinet meeting on Sunday said "Hamas apparently hasn't internalized the message. If they don't cease the violent protests against us, they will cease in another way and it will be painful, very painful."

Which then caused a bunch of Hamassholes to grab their crotches and bounce on the balls of their sandaled feet saying [in Arabic] "Oh yeah? Yeah? We dare you. No, we double dare you."

Netanyahu added "If it has any sense, Hamas will cease fire and its violent demonstrations now."

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman backed Netanyahu's words in a morning interview with Ynet news. "We have arrived at the point where we have to land as strong as possible a blow on Hamas."

Which then cause a bunch of left-wing and far-right anti-Semites to grab their crotches and bounce on the balls of their feet and say, "Damn Jews control everything. Now they want to stop the Palestinians from having a little fun."

"Hamas has turned violence on the border into a strategic weapon and by doing so they hope to erode our steadfastness, to erode our deterrence... They want to put pressure on the Israeli public and on the government of Israel," Lieberman added.

Starting March 30, Hamas, the terrorist organization which controls the Gaza Strip, waged a campaign of violent mass riots on Israel's border, including infiltrations into Israeli territory, the launching of fire kites and balloon bombs in what is now being labeled "arson terror."

Three Hamastards were killed just days ago after infiltrating the border fence after blowing a hole in it with a bomb. They charged toward the IDF troops and were shot and killed.

Anyone who defends Hamas or the Palestinian Authority has no sense of the history behind Israel and the lack of history behind modern Palestine.

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