Friday, October 5, 2018

Dems Warren, Gillibrand speak at rally hosted by 2 Hamas lovers

Senators Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas" Warren D-Mass., and Kirsten "Which Way Bloweth the Wind?" Gillibrand D-NY spoke Thursday at the Supreme Court rally hosted by Linda "I Love Some Hamas" Sarsour, a Sharia-loving, anti-Semitic, anti-Zionist activist, and Tamika Mallory.

Sarsour and Mallory hosted the rally to show their support for Christine Blasey Ford, the accuser of Brett Kavanaugh who was unable to produce a shred of corroboration for her claim, even by her lifelong friend, of sexual misconduct.

Both girls, Mallory and Sarsour, talked about their hatred before handing the microphone over to Fauxcahontas, who said she knows a liar when she is one, and believes Ford's testimony, in spite of all the holes in it, and because it's politically advantageous for her to say that.

"I believe Christine Blasey Ford. I am angry on behalf of my tribe, and for women who have been told to sit down and shut up one time too many [such as Juanita Brodderick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and Jennifer Flowers, not to mention Mary Jo Kopechne]," the fake Native American tweeted afterward.

Then Sarsour grabbed the mic. "I want to introduce to you another champion, another one of our people who works for us on the inside. Someone who understands that she works for the people of this country, who's been speaking up against sexual assault and sexual violence before there was a Brett Kavanaugh. [Before there was Sharia Law that allows husbands to beat their wives--all 4 if they have the full allowance]. Please give it up for the senator," she said as she introduced Gillibrand, whose opinions change faster than the towels in a house of ill repute.

Both Sarsour and Mallory have a history of slamming Israel and giving kudos and kisses to Nation of Islam Louis Farrakhan, an openly anti-Semite and scumcrumpet.

Mallory was strongly criticized in March for attending Farrakhan's Savior's Day address where he openly attacked "that Satanic Jew," and called Jews "the mother and father of apartheid," which is a ridiculous statement if you know anything about Israeli Jews. [If you're a wounded Hamasshole, you will be treated as any other patient in an Israeli hospital. If you're a Jew, you will be treated to a beheading in a Palestinian hospital.] Farrakhan went on to hatefully add: "when you want something in this world, the Jew holds the door."

Because Mallory attended the event with Farrakhan, a regional Planned Parenthood organization serving the Northwest U.S. and Hawaii announced they were parting ways with her for their April luncheon in 2016, where she was scheduled to be the keynote speaker.

Maybe her referring to Farrakhan as "honorable" added to their decision.

But Mallory is in interesting company: Keith Ellison is a Farrakhan ear licker as are: Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Barbara Lee, Andre Carson, Danny Davis, Gregory Meeks, and Al Green--all Democrats.

Sarsour also has a long history of being anti-Semitic and anti-Israel [which really is the same thing]. She gave a speech in 2015 at a Nation of Islam event which was very critical of Israel and has discounted anti-Semitism, trying to normalize it by saying that "while anti-Semitism is something that impacts Jewish Americans, it's different than anti-black racism or Islamophobia because it's not systemic."

Except that it is. There are almost double the number of anti-Semitic incidents recorded in the U.S. yearly than Islamic attacks or attacks on blacks by other groups. As Ben Shapiro says, facts don't care about your feelings, and they sure as hell don't care about Linda Sarsour's.

In June of this year, the Justice Delegation and the Center for Constitutional Rights hosted an event where Sarsour said, "Palestine is the global social justice cause of our generation" and that there is an "apartheid happening in Palestine, funded by our taxpayer's money."

Mallory was also there and said that the state of Israel "takes the lives of people who were there first."

She needs to read the Old Testament and a little history. The "country" of Palestine is a made up land of make believe. No such country existed in history, but they would have the world believe otherwise.

Last year, Sarsour called for a "jihad" or holy war, against the Trump administration speaking at the annual Islamic Society of North America convention in Chicago. ISNA, as they're called, is an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organization.

Congratulations, Senators Warren and Gillibrand. You have hitched your wagon to flaming hate mongers. Antifa must be very proud of you both.

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