Sunday, October 7, 2018

CBS anchor defends Kavanaugh and apologetically resigns

Palm Springs, Calif. -- Kris Long, a news anchor who initially had the courage of his convictions resigned after writing a 400-word Facebook post in September defending Brett Kavanaugh from sexual allegations. [In case you're from a different galaxy, Kavanaugh was the nominee for the Supreme Court and has now been confirmed].

Long was off the air at CBS affiliate KESQ-TV since his Sept. 17th post appeared, according to the Desert Sun.

Long offered his resignation on Friday.

In spite of the guts it took to reveal what he believed to be true about the Kavanaugh debacle, he weaseled out in his written statement: "I want to thank those who have offered support and apologize again for any I may have offended. I hope to return to the news business in the future."

What a wuss. Apologize for offending people because he believed in what he wrote?

Jerry Upham, the general manager for the Gulf California Broadcast Company said they accepted his resignation and that he "has a following and we know he will be missed by many in the area."

Long wrote that "few things are more serious than rape" but the timing of Ford's claim "stinks of political maneuvering." [Christine Ford is Kavanaugh's accuser who crawled out from the woodwork at the eleventh hour in the confirmation hearing.] Ford offered absolutely no corroborating evidence of her claim and even her lifelong friend denied it.

Long aslo said the MeToo movement was long overdue but the allegation of the sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh amounted to "lesser miscreant behavior."

"You are beyond dreaming if you think 17-year-old boys are not going to misbehave from time to time as they begin to attempt relationships with the opposite sex," he wrote. "That is just the way we animals are made!"

Now I can see where he minimized what was alleged and it even sounds as if Long is believing the allegation without any proof, but we have reached a point in society where we are punished for our beliefs and it isn't a good thing.

Some of his audience supported him. Some called for his retirement. Others criticized the station for taking him off the air.

At first Long stood by his remarks but deleted his post the following day and issued an apology.

"I wish I hadn't written [the post] because it's caused me a lot of headache. This is a sensitive and controversial subject and I apologize [for having my own opinion which may differ from yours] for any offense that this has caused," he meekly wrote to the snowflakes who have nothing to do but be offended at something in order to keep their pulse going.

"Perhaps I may have broken our social media standards by putting my article a little bit too far to one side," he said the day after the posting, referring to the right side rather than the left.

The Society for Professional Journalists urges journalists to avoid activities that "may compromise integrity or impartiality, or may damage credibility."

CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, and the New York Times are exempt from those standards.

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