Thursday, August 9, 2018

Saudis carry out crucifixion for murder and theft

In a typically barbaric move, Saudi Arabia executed a man, then took his dead body and crucified it in public.

Elias Abulkalaam Jamaldeddeen was accused of breaking into the home of a Myanmar woman, firing a weapon and then repeatedly stabbing her, which led to her death, the Saudi Press Agency reported, citing an Interior Ministry statement.

Jamaldeddeen was also accused of stealing weapons and attempting to kill another man whose home he broke into. He also attempted to rape a woman.

The ruling for crucifixion was supported by the Saudi supreme court and endorsed by the king, whose feet former President Barack Obama bowed down to and almost kissed.

Crucifixion in the holiest of Islamic countries entails hanging a body in public after an execution. These are not your average run-of-the-day events, but they do provide executioners something to do to break the monotony of mere beheadings.

A Yemeni man was crucified in 2010 for raping and killing a girl and shooting her father to death.

One thing is for sure, they don't make executions like they used to.

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