Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Gov. Cuomo says America 'was never that great'

New York Governor and Mega-Cretin Andrew Cuomo declared Wednesday that America "was never that great." He is obviously trying to appeal to the Bernie Sanders/Ocasio-Cortez/Cynthia Nixon crowd and is likely going to make a run for the 2020 presidential bid.

Anyone in high government office who makes such unpatriotic statements needs to be voted out of office, not into the presidency, because while it may fool some young, impressionable people that you're cool, man, America is more than "that great," it's the greatest nation on earth.

Why don't these idiots who make such negative statements about the USA ever actually leave? Why don't they put their money where their mouths are? Why, for example, is Rosie O'Donnell not living in Canada like she promised?

Cuomo's words literally drew gasps and a few leftist chuckles from the crowd.

"We're not going to make America great again. It was never that great," Cuomo said, hoping to be edgy and down with the democratic socialists who don't understand socialism.

That's the difference between the left and conservatives.

One thing is certain, Cuomo was never that great and never will be.

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