Sunday, July 22, 2018

Ocasio-Cortez and her casual relationship with the truth

"I've come for the children"
Democratic socialist and congressional candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is either a liar or an idiot--she cannot be both but she is definitely in one of those categories.

The 28-year-old Ocasio-Cortez bloviated that the reason the U.S. unemployment rate is so low [under President Trump] is because "everyone has two jobs" and "working 60, 70, 80 hours a week and can barely feed their family."

Politifact rated her balderdash statement "pants on fire."

"In our review, we found many reasons why unemployment is low, and not for the overwork that Ocasio-Cortez cited," they wrote. "The biggest factors include strong economic confidence and the long-running economic recovery."

The article cited Department of Labor statistics stating that merely six to seven million Americans have multiple jobs compared to 148 million who have one job. "So by the official statistics, multiple job holders account for a tiny fraction of American workers," the reported. This has been nearly the same margin since the recovery from the Great Recession.

Politifact also showed how her statement that Americans are working far more hours than the typical 40-hour week: "The Bureau of Labor Statistics breaks down its count of people with multiple jobs into three categories: people working one full-time job and one part-time job; people with two part-time jobs; and people working two full-time jobs."

Only 310,000 out of 150 million Americans are currently working 70 or 80 hours a week.

It's beginning to look as if Ocasio-Cortez is morphing into a female version of Joe Biden.

Her remarks about Israel were nothing more than false talking points and she apparently doesn't know the representative color of the Democratic Party, thinking it's red, not blue.

She also tries to make everyone think she comes from a poor family in the Bronx. Her family left the Bronx when she was a pre-schooler and her father opened a successful architectural business.

Perhaps she sample too much of the product when she worked as a bartender.

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