Sunday, June 3, 2018

POTUS to host Ramadan dinner--priceless

President Donald Trump will be hosting an iftar dinner at the people's house next week in recognition of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month.

In Robert Spencer's [not to be confused with white supremacist RIchard Spencer] new book, "The History of Jihad," he writes about Barack Obama's June 4, 2009 Cairo speech to the Islamic world:
"Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition...
 Spencer goes on to say:
Tolerant al-Andalus: as the conquest of Spain was being completed in the year 718, the Umayyad caliph Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz sent out a message to the governors of the various Islamic provinces:
O you who believe! The non-Muslims are nothing but dirt. Allah has created them to be partisans of Satan; most treacherous in regard to all they do; whose whole endeavor in this nether life is useless, though they themselves imagine that they are doing fine work. Upon them rests the curse of Allah, of the Angels and of man collectively.
But if we convert to Islam, all the dirt is gone.

Anyway, President Trump has departed from last year's new tradition of not hosting a Ramadan dinner, known as iftar, the traditional post-sundown meal.

The White House official declined to provide a list of attendees.

The White House faced criticism last year from several terrorist organizations such as the Muslim Brotherhood, the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), to name a few, for neglecting to embrace the dhimmie tradition held by former presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama.

Based on their track record of global terrorist activities, Trump has a somewhat negative relationship with the Muslim community. In his campaign, he called for a "total and complete" ban on all Muslims entering the United States, which seemed to go overboard in the erring of caution. As POTUS, he restricted the entry of citizens from several terrorist-spawning countries from entering the United States.

In a statement issued in May, marking the start of Ramadan, Trump said, "Ramadan reminds us of the richness Muslims add to the religious tapestry of American life."

He gave no examples of how this is true.

As is the tradition of the White House, all guests will be thoroughly checked for weapons.

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