Tuesday, April 17, 2018

ABC uses Chinese 'torture of a thousand cuts' on Comey interview

Thinking royalties
It's unclear whether ABC edited the James Comey interview because some of the things he said were unbelievable or his answers detracted from the impact. 

Either way, the George Stephanopoulos Sunday night interview with fired FBI director James Comey sucked.

Even critics on the left thought the interview was poorly produced and choppy. And it seems pretty obvious that the purpose of the interview was for Comey to sell his book, "A Higher Loyalty."

Comey's loyalty is to the 'almighty dollar.'

The truth is, the person who is going to help him the most to sell books isn't Stephanopoulos, a former Clinton crony and flaming leftist, but President Trump, because he can't keep himself from punching down on Twitter.

If Trump would just let Comey implode and not give him publicity, he would be doing himself and his presidency a favor.

Comey likely chose to appear on ABC News rather than "60 Minutes" because he knew he'd get softball questions from Stephanopoulos. The show attracted about 9.8 million viewers while Stormy Daniels, the pornography film "actress" raked in 22 million viewers on "60 Minutes."

Neither Comey nor the Stormster said they were doing any of these activities for the money, but Daniels' appearance fees have climbed to $75,000 per appearance. Comey is doing it to hawk his book.

The Comey interview was produced by "20/20" news magazine, which isn't a real news program but more like a cheap tabloid affair. They stopped doing actual hard news and now focus on issues such as infidelity, mysterious murder cases, and other garbage.

The ABC News producers tried to do a real piece with Comey, but they blew it when they edited a 5-hour interview into a one hour turd.

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