Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Comey and all the possibilities

I don't know if fired FBI director James Comey ever had a sexual relationship with former President Barack Obama's dog Bo, it's possible, but I don't know for sure and I'm not going to speculate.

Some may think that Comey beats his wife--nobody knows for certain and she isn't saying anything, but it's possible--I just don't know.

When he was in college, women failed to come forward accusing him of rape, but who knows, he may have been the campus rapist. 

Lordy, we may never know, and I doubt he'll admit to it.

Insofar as Comey giving FBI information to a friend in order to leak it to the media, well I, in fact, do know he did because he admitted that he did, but that it was unclassified.

I know that leaking any information, both classified and unclassified, concerning the FBI is illegal, and I know that the law, if followed scrupulously as Comey says it should be, would dictate that Comey be tried in a court of law.

Jonathan Turley writes in The Hill: "The FBI has already indicated that these were FBI documents and nonpartisan Justice Department officials has indicated that they should have been treated as privileged or confidential and not disclosed. Moreover, as discussed below, even the Post recognizes that they "could have been illegal" depending on the outcome of any investigation."

Law Professor Turley was referring to the Washington Post which gave White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders 2 Pinocchios for stating that she believes what Comey did regarding the FBI memos was "possibly illegal."

I also know that it is not the job of any FBI director to decide how the evidence of an investigation should be handled, yet in Hillary Clinton's illegal email server, he decided to interpret the law in her favor, perhaps because his wife and daughter both voted for Hillary Clinton, but I don't know for sure if that's the reason. 

It's possible.

Comey has bags under his eyes that suggest he has aged well beyond his actual 57 years, perhaps due to fabricating stories that put him in the center of events. Perhaps the bags come from tanning goggles that were too tightly fitted. I don't know, but it's possible.

Comey's hands are large, but it's possible they are no reflection on another part of his body that is quite small.

His brain--what were you thinking?

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