Thursday, March 8, 2018

New Islamophobic phrase: 'God bless you'

Simmons College in Bostonisthan says that if you say "God bless you" in their library, especially if it happens near their holy Koran, the librarians will consider it an Islamophobic micro-aggression, a made up term that has no bearing on reality.

But why should reality matter? After all, if you were born a man and believe you're a woman, poof, you're a woman. And if anyone disagrees, they can be taken to court for a hate crime. It doesn't matter that biologically, you're a dude--your body produces sperm cells, you have Y chromosomes, but in the eyes of idiotic progressives [a word that is anything but progressive because that requires actual progress] you are what and who you say you are. 

Saying "God bless you" is considered a form of "Islamomisia," or a strong hatred of Islam.

Seriously though, what's not to like about Islam?

The alleged "school" has an Anti-Oppression Library Guide containing myriad words and phrases that are considered micro-aggressions and have the potential of making some of the kids cry.

Worse than Islamophobia is Islamomisia. "In North America (and throughout much of the western world), people who follow Christianity have institutionalized power, therefore Islamomisia is a systemized discrimination or antagonism directed against Muslim people due to their religion or perceived religious, national or ethnic identity associated with Islam," the Guide says.

The librarians, particularly the gay ones who fear for their lives, warn that phrases like "God Bless you," and "Merry Christmas" and "Happy Easter" can tick off intolerant  Muslims. 

However, there is nothing in the Guide saying that Muslims who use the phrase "Inshallah," [if Allah is willing], hundreds of times a day, are being Christianomisia.

In fact this disgusting Guide warned students to be wary of "Christian privilege," perhaps referring to the Christians buried in Arlington National Cemetery.

"In the United States and many other Western nations, Christianity and its various denominations and religious practices hold institutional and cultural power. Christian privilege is the unearned benefit that Christians in the US receive that members of other faiths (or non-religious people) do not.

This isn't exactly the case in parts of the world where Islam conquered and ruled. They forced Christians to convert, ordered them to leave or be killed--and those that stayed, were killed. Christian churches were/are often burned down but even when they were left standing, in Islamic countries, Christian churches are not allowed to be renovated or receive any repair.

But being permitted to worship freely, as is the case in our Judeo-Christian country, is considered Christian privilege by leftist dhimmies.

And let's never forget the Jews.

A group of 8 Montreal dwellers attended a city meeting wearing yellow badges [curiously resembling the Star of David that Jews in Nazi Germany were forced to wear to distinguish them from non-Jews] in protest of Jewish school buses. The anti-Semites, led by Ginette Chartre, says they will not back down.

The growing Hasidic community in Montreal's Outremont borough, is the cause of the protest as they use school buses to drop off their children around the city. The anti-Semites say it causes tension and some say the constant bus traffic causes congestion, noise and pollution. 

This very well may be the case, but it doesn't call for anti-Semitic overtures to make their point. In fact, it shows their stupidity and small minds, much like the librarians at Simmons College.

Anti-Semitic hate crimes far exceed all other religious-based crimes but Simmons College doesn't even mention them, and there are a significant number of Jews living in Boston and surrounding suburbs. 

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