Thursday, March 8, 2018

Democrats: 'We are now a race, not merely a party'

Randy Toad, Arkansas -- The leaders of the Democratic Party met in secret  last Wednesday, according to my secret source, Vinny Boombots. 

What they discussed was a new, and yet not so new strategy for the party's platform in the future.

Being a Democrat will now be considered a race.

Democrats will no longer have to pull the proverbial "race card" whenever they are challenged by conservatives. They will self-identify as a race and anything said against them will be interpreted as racist.

They invented a new term as well: Demophobic.

As part of the brilliant plan, they will use teenagers to push the party line on such issues as gun control, school taxes, foreign policy, nuclear proliferation, crime control, Russian election meddling,  the Trump impeachment,  and lowering the voting age without proof of identity or citizenship to 16.

"We need to listen to our kids," Minority Senate Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said. "These kids are our future and we better hear what they have to say."

Schumer was challenged by Ted Cruz (R-TX) who responded: "Just because the kids you've been using to push your agenda are survivors of a school shooting, that doesn't make them experts in government affairs, or even gun control."

To which Schumer replied: "Racist."

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