Sunday, February 4, 2018

Radical imams spew anti-Semitism in US with impunity

It seems that whenever a radical Muslim gets the chance, they will spout anti-Semitic bile and nothing is done about it. Perhaps that's due to the religious aspect of Islamic anti-Semitism and the fear of being politically incorrect and Islamophobic.

This is apparently the case with Muslim clerics in the United States as they are threatening the lives of Jews from the pulpits of their mosques. And they are doing it with total impunity, according to former law enforcement officials who worry about future violent attacks.

In the last seven months, no less than five prominent US imams, in mosques across America, have been caught on tape preaching violence against Jews. And they are not being prosecuted or even removed by the leadership of their mosques, possibly because Jew-hatred is literally called for in their scripture, so anti-Semitism is seen as their sacred duty.

Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo, who now runs a counterterrorism consulting firm, Understanding the Threat LLC said, "It's outrageous they aren't immediately removed and investigated for what may be solicitation [to commit a crime of violence]."

Jews are already disproportionately targeted for hate crimes in the US, and these Islamic sermons only fan the flames of hatred and violence toward this minority.

In November 2017 the FBI revealed new data indicating that there were more Jewish victims of anti-Semitic hate crimes in 2016 (the last reported year) than of all other religious groups combined!

And Muslims claim victimhood and sometimes create a false narrative of being victimized

Many lawmakers in the Democratic Party apparently do not care about anti-Semitism and don't consider the issue important enough to pursue. They'd rather deal with Islamophobia and "hate speech."

Terrorism analysts believe threats and assaults against Jews will increase as the US prepares to move its embassy in Israel to Jerusalem next year. President Trump announced this on December 6 of last year and while previous presidents spoke about it, only he has delivered on the promise. 

In fact, one could make the case that former President Obama did not like Israel and had much more empathy for the Muslim world, possibly due to the fact that his father was Muslim, his grandfather was Muslim, he attended madrassa in Indonesia and studied the Koran, and he apparently enjoyed the company of famous anti-Semite and scumwafer, Louis Farrakhan.

Here's what's happening in the world of American Islam:
In last December, Imam Raed Saleh Al-Rousan in Houston, Texas preached that Muslims should "fight the Jews" in the wake of Trump's declaration about Jerusalem. After his videotaped excerpt of his anti-Semitic rant was translated by Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and posted online, the imam apologized and in taqiyya-like fashion lied that he is opposed to "all forms of terrorism."
On the same day that Al-Rousan ranted, Imam Abdullah Khadra of Raleigh, NC, invoked the same Jew-killing hadith [the words of Mohammad, the 'prophet' of Islam] saying that Mohammad "gave us the glad tidings that we will fight those Jews until the rocks and the trees will speak: "Oh Muslim, there is a Jew hiding behind me. Kill him."
On December 8, Imam Aymen Elkasaby from Jersey City, NJ invoked "martyrdom" as a way to take revenge on the Jews, whom he referred to as "apes and pigs," taking those words from the "holy" Koran. Then Elkasaby prayed for the annihilation of the Jews which elicited cheers from the Muslims in the mosque. "Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one! Do not leave a single one on the face of the Earth," the imam asked of Allah as his feckless flock of trained seals shouted, "Amen!" One dude was so enthralled by the call to kill that he stood up and invited the rest of the congregation to march on Times Square, according to MEMRI.
But Elkasaby was outed and the Islamic Center of Jersey City claimed to have suspended him for a month without pay. Meanwhile, the mosque president, Ahmed Shaheed defended Elkasaby's actions by arguing "There are extremists in the Jewish, Christian and Buddhist religions, and everything can be taken the wrong way."

So how did we know that "Count them one by one, and kill them down to the very last one! Do not leave a singe one on the face of the Earth" was being taken the wrong way? It sounded sort of harsh, if you ask me.

It's only when these jerks get caught that they apologize. And if you notice, for the most part, they call for their congregation to be martyrs, never are they willing to do it themselves.
Obama and Farrakhan in a photo hidden
 from the public as per Obama
Terror experts say this hateful rhetoric is a lot more common in the US mosques than generally understood, and they blame the Obama administration's ending of mosque surveillance programs for the cancerous anti-Semitism and even anti-Western belligerence that is spewed in those radical mosques.

The NYPD ended its surveillance program in 2014 because Muslim groups complained. And if they want to kill some Jews, it's their damned business, they don't say.

Islam is a problem when practiced with orthodoxy, or in a literal Koranic way. Something must change for the good of Western civilization.

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