Thursday, December 7, 2017

UC Berkeley Sued after denying conservative student group official status

UC Berkeley used to be a icon in the world of academia and free speech. Now it's a cesspool filled with snowflakes and other stuff one finds in cesspools . . . like far left professors who think Karl Marx's body odor was unfairly judged. 

A conservative nonprofit group filed a lawsuit earlier this week against the University of California, Berkeley, after the so-called school denied a pro-liberty student group official status.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) sued UC Berkeley after the school kept Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) which has over 900 college chapter throughout the country, from obtaining a registered student organization status, according to a press release first obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

The lawsuit alleges that UC Berkeley denied verifying YAL because they said the group was "too similar" to Cal Libertarians.

YAL President Cliff Malone had something to say on the matter:
"It is absurd to think that other Berkeley groups are lighting the campus on fire and throwing rocks through windows, but YAL's efforts to peaceable promote the message of liberty are being shunned by university administrators. This incident is exactly why Young Americans for Liberty launched the national Fight for Free Speech campaign. All students, regardless of ideology, should be guaranteed their First Amendment right to Free Speech."
Sadly, what is truly absurd is to believe the Berkeley administration would think rationally on this matter. They are devout leftists and leftists don't want free speech unless it's in lockstep with leftist ideology. The reason being is that leftist ideology is easily defeated by the conservative track records of history.

The fact is, without conservative governance, socialism and communism could not exist. The building has to be borne first before it can be torn down.

If YAL cannot be registered as a student organization, they cannot invite speakers (Ben Shapiro springs to mind), reserve rooms, or use funds for their tuition to cover organizational costs.

Let's hope that ADF wins the court battle because a lot depends on it. The left needs to be stopped from their shameless disrespect for the Constitution.

We cannot allow them to tear down the building.

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