Monday, December 25, 2017

Gov't website says Santa to move to South Pole due to global warming

A rather moronic Canadian government website claims Santa Claus signed an international agreement to move his workshop to the South Pole in order to escape the ravages of man-made global warming in the Arctic. Seriously.

The website for Policy Horizons Canada, states that due to "rapidly melting Arctic ice and growing human operations in the North, Santa Claus has signed an agreement with the International community to relocate his village next year to operate in an exclusive zone in the South Pole."

The Canadian government . . . wow!

This was possibly inspired by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is not only as far left as Barack Obama, but is as intelligent as a pile of laundry.

Policy Horizons was created to discuss and advise government officials about new public policy issues. They put out a series of blog posts with Christmas themes that tie into emerging libtard policy concerns.

The geniuses at Horizons had also blogged about Santa relying on a self-flying sleigh, making toys with a 3D printer and investing in Bitcoin. But this one, the latest one, is meant to focus on climate refugees.

"This deal is expected to lead to the deployment of a global climate change refugee visa system that in the near future could help to more easily relocate individuals and corporations facing the impacts of climate change," the website morons continue.

So while these geniuses call conservatives 'science deniers,' they need to resort to using a children's character to convince us of the emergency of global warming.

Tomorrow is Boxing Day. The temperature in Canada's capital, Ottawa, is expected to drop to -29C. The Rideau Canal is frozen--it's one of the world's longest ice skating venues.

I don't see that as a global warming emergency and stuff is definitely not melting.

Merry Christmas!

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