Monday, December 25, 2017

Israelis came out of the woodwork to protest Netanyahu

"Photoshop Netanyahu!"
Protesters took to the streets of Tel Aviv calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to resign over allegations of corruption. This is the fourth consecutive week that people without real jobs and who aren't a part of Israel's IDF military came out to rally for something that may or may not be true.

Hundreds more gathered in Jerusalem for the first time in an anti-corruption demonstration.

Israeli Police said several thousand people massed together in central Tel Aviv on the Sabbath, forsaking G-d and hawking hatred. Several hundred more attended a right-wing anti-corruption rally in Israel's capital, Jerusalem where speeches were made, headlined by former defense minister Moshe Yallon. 

Some held signs reading: "not right, not left, just straight." But not all of them were.

Netanyahu had been questioned by police seven times over two corruption allegations. He is suspected of being involved in fraud, bribery and breach of trust. Netanyahu has denied any wrongdoing.

On the other hand, there have been no anti-collusion protests over Obama and Iran to look the other way regarding Hezbollah's drug trafficking and money laundering in order for him to make a crappy Iran nuclear deal.

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