Monday, December 25, 2017

United Airlines apologizes for seating an anti-Trump Rep in woman's seat

United Airlines got caught taking a seat from a passenger and giving it to U.S. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D.-Tx.) and are now giving her a $500 voucher to avoid looking like uncaring schmucks in the airline industry.

An airline spokeswoman, who wished to remain anonymous, claims Jean-Marie Simon canceled her December 18 seat from Houston to Washington, D.C. after a weather delay. 

That's their story and they're sticking to it.

Simon denies she canceled the flight, which is the main reason she showed up for it. 

Instead of a roomy seat in First Class where she hoped to get a couple of drinks and lots of leg room, she was put in Economy Plus on the flight, a seat normally designated for people who don't mind getting intimate with the sweating stranger seated very closely next to them.

She told the Houston Chronicle that she saw Jackson Lee sitting in her seat looking satisfied and quite fat.

United says it upgraded Jackson Lee automatically [because she was a member of Congress] but not because she was a member of Congress. The typically loud and annoying congresswoman claims she didn't ask for anything "exceptional or out of the ordinary," just as long as she didn't have to sit next to a damn Trump voter.

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