Saturday, December 2, 2017

ABC's Brian Ross incredibly wrong again

ABC's Brian Ross, their chief investigative reporter (LOL) was labeled "America's Wrongest Reporter" by Gawker in 2012, saying that he was "breathtakingly reckless" after declaring that the Colorado movie theater shooter may have had Tea Party ties, based on Ross's discovery that someone on the Internet shared the name James Holmes with the shooter.

One can also imagine the connections he would have like to make with Sherlock and Oliver Wendell.

Now the idiot has caused the network to issue an embarrassing correction with his balderdash bombshell "exclusive" about Michael Flynn and President Trump, which caused Joy Behar to have uncontrollable titters during the special-ed show The View. 

ABC spokespeople were mum over whether Ross will be disciplined for yet another screwup, but since it was about President Trump, he may receive kudos for bringing a moment of joy to Behar and the gang.

Ross's report was delivered live to ABC stations during a "special report" on Friday. It claimed that Flynn would testify that Donald Trump had ordered him to make contact with Russians about foreign policy while he was still a candidate. If this was true, it could raise the issue of impeachment.

The Dow plummeted from the "news."

It wasn't until later in the day that ABC issued a "clarification" to the fake news report. They said Trump's alleged directive came DURING THE TRANSITION, AFTER HE HAD BEEN ELECTED president.

A yooge distinction!

After Ross screwed up on Friday morning, he appeared on "World News Tonight" to correct himself.

"During a live Special Report, ABC News reported that a confidant of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said Flynn was prepared to testify that then-candidate Donald Trump instructed him to contact Russian officials during the campaign. That source later clarified that during the campaign, Trump assigned Flynn and a small circle of other senior advisers to find ways to repair relations with Russia and other hot spots. It was shortly after the election, that President-elect Trump directed Flynn to contact Russian officials on topics that included working jointly against ISIS."

Political blogger Charles P. Pierce even predicted the Ross report would be bogus based on the idiot's reputation.

"I'm going to hold fire on the ABC report. Ross has been known to get out over his skis. But, if it's true, that's the ballgame," Pierce tweeted before the correction was made.

Even CNN's bald-headed stooge, Brian Stelter actually appeared to be calling for Ross to be disciplined.

"When there's breaking news, especially about terrorism and national security, ABC News' Brian Ross is there. And under no circumstances should you listen to anything he says," John Cook of Gawker wrote.

Ross's report "Taking on Toyota" was widely criticized for relying on information from trial lawyers. He also falsely connected domestic anthrax attacks to Iraq and stirred controversy with disputed reporting on the Detroit "underwear bomber."

It's no wonder why Ross is one of the most prize-winning investigative reporters and scores a seven-figure salary in spite of his long history of screwups. 

And because ABC is in the tank for the left, they will likely do nothing and say little about Ross.

ABC's Chief Global Affairs Correspondent Martha Raddatz was accused by then- President elect Trump for crying on air on election night. She denies this, but the video should help you decide. Interestingly, former President Obama attended her second of three weddings.

ABC's entertainment programming is extremely liberal, making everything they do political and taking the joy out of Behar. The network recently shelled out $25 million to employ Clinton activist Katy Perry as a judge for a revised season of "American Idol," and Disney CEO Bob Iger is probably going to make a White House run in 2020.

There are a number of reasons Trump won the election, and networks like ABC, MSNBC CNN, etc.,  that are so obviously bias and hateful helped him win because you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

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