Sunday, November 26, 2017

Franken shares his feelings with his liberal robots

Disgraced Senator Al Franken refuses to resign but broke his silence Sunday and shared his feelings with us. How noble of him to be so open about how all this makes him feel.

Franken said that getting caught grabbing women's butts makes him feel "embarrassed and ashamed" and that he wishes he never got caught.

And no matter how many people call for his resignation, he refuses to go because he has nowhere to go after this. In fact, he was hoping to remain in the Senate for the remainder of his time above Earth, if only the people would keep voting for him.

Fortunately for him, he's a liberal and they don't have a problem with other liberals grabbing ass, but are very clear about the same behavior with conservatives.

"I've let a lot of people down and I'm hoping I can make it up to them and gradually regain their trust," Franken said. 

He didn't let anyone down. To let someone down is to assume they held out a certain hope for you--the only hope people who voted for Franken hoped for was for him to continue condoning the killing of the unborn, higher taxes, Obamacare and defunding the military. 

He let nobody down except, perhaps, his wife and children who he chose not to abort.

Four women thus far have come forward and publicly said Franken groped them, including one who said he forcibly stuck his tongue down her mouth in a disgusting sloppy kiss.

"I'm looking forward to getting back to work tomorrow," the sleazeball told the media. Congress was out on a long Thanksgiving weekend.

To his credit, Franken probably did not engage in pedophilia like Roy Moore is alleged to have done. Nevertheless, he is a disgusting human being who abused his power to get what normally would be impossible, given his appearance and personality.

Who am I kidding? Liberal women love disgusting men.

Franken's office said last weekend that he will not resign, amid calls for him to do so. "Where would he go? What would he do? He has no qualifications--he thinks it takes a cloth to wipe a server," an anonymous family member said.

Franken alleges that he has apologized to Leeann Tweeden several times. She is a radio host in California and the first to come forward. 

He also said he feels badly that Lindsay Menz felt "disrespected" but he conveniently forgot about grabbing her butt cheeks while taking their photo at the Minneapolis State Fair in 2010.

The deviant senator has said that he's posed for "tens of thousands of photos" over the years but does not remember cupping any women's backsides (aka butts, buttocks, asses, derrieres) as several have alleged.

Franken told the media that he allegedly spent the past week "thinking about how that could happen and I just recognize that I need to be more careful and a lot more sensitive in these situations."

In other words, his sleazy behavior was an oversight. One can only wonder if it would have continued if he didn't get outed.

If this creep really did take "tens of thousands" of photos over the years, it's quite possible that more women could come forward. It's possible, and likely, that there have been other incidents of sexual misconduct that have thus far gone unreported.

Meanwhile, it's interesting to note that John Conyers plans to invest in fresh 'tidy whities'.

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