Sunday, August 27, 2017

Average transgender soldier takes 238 days to deploy

Photo: Getty images
When you have your genitals removed and replace them with something shaped in the image of genitals of the opposite sex, it takes quite a bit of time to recover from the surgery.

When the surgery is performed on someone in the military, on average it takes 238 days to recover and for the soldier to deploy. This was a study done during the Obama administration, at a time when the former president decided to use the military as a social experiment and didn't know how to pronounce the word 'corpsman,' indicating just how little he understood about our fighting forces.

The Trump administration's transgender ban uses deployability as a determining factor as to whether to admit the transgender mentally ill into the military. 

The White House provided guidelines to implement the ban within six months in a memo to Defense Secretary James Mattis, according to the Wednesday Wall Street Journal. 

The study was commissioned by the Obama administration in 2016 and favored opening the ranks to individuals with sexual dysphoria in spite of their extremely high suicide rate compared to the main population. 

The study was funded by the office of former secretary of defense Ash Carter, and found that troops seeking a basic cosmetic genital makeover, the person would be nondeployable for 238 days, or 34 weeks out of a year. That's 65 percent for you math buffs.

"These constraints typically include a postoperative recovery period that would prevent any work and a period of restricted physical activity that would prevent deployment," the RAND study says.

"We note that these estimates do not account for any additional time required to determine medical fitness to deploy," the study added. "Army guidelines, for example, do not permit deployment within six weeks of surgery."

The RAND study reported that "male-to-[fake]-female" surgeries would cost 210 days of nondeployability, including medical leave and medical disability periods, [funded by the taxpayer].
An Obama hero

Breast augmentation and mammoplasty, which include breast implants, result in gender dysphoric troops being unable to work for one week, up to six weeks of restricted physical activity, and up to 60 days of medical disability. The stud said breast augmentation would result in 75 days a gender dysphoric individual could not be deployed.

Gender surgeries require longer recovery times. RAND reported that a gender dysphoric man having his testicles cut off, and then have a vaginoplasty, in which a fake vagina is installed, would be nondeployable for 135 days.

Nondeployable time for male-to-fake-female surgeries include four to six weeks of no work; eight or more weeks restricted physical activity such as applying nail polish and other makeup; up to 45 days medical leave; and up to 90 days medical disability.

These fake men and fake women are the real heroes.

Sue Fulton, former president of Sparta, a military organization for LGBTQ individuals, told the Wall Street Journal that gender dysphoric individuals (she used the word 'transgender') are "just as deployable as other service members," and compared the time off to undergoing a gall bladder surgery.

The difference being that having your junk removed or changed to look like that of the opposite sex is an elective procedure that arises from the delusion that the person wanting it believes him- or herself to be a person of the opposite sex than they actually are. 

Gall bladder surgery is not an elective surgery and is life-saving and most people who undergo this surgery return to normal activities in a week to 10 days after surgery.

So it's a really poor comparison.

The RAND study also notes that some gender dysphoric people who have the make believe sex-change operations "experience postoperative complications that would render them unfit for duty."

Between 6 to 20 percent of men receiving a fake vagina, have complications. Up to 25 percent of women receiving a fake penis, have medical complications, according to the study. And women-to-fake-men transitions on average take 267 days where they cannot be deployed.

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) supports Trump's ban on transgender individuals in the military. She believes the RAND Corp. estimates are low because they don't take into account other surgeries that transgender advocates say are "medically necessary."

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health as medically necessary for Gender Dysphoria. For example, they advocate for scrotoplasties [surgery to create a fake scrotum]; facial hair removal [for heroes like Bruce Jenner]; voice therapy or surgery [to fool oneself into believing they actually changed their gender].

According to the Washington Free Beacon, transgender surgeries would cost the Pentagon (aka us, the taxpayers) $1.3 billion over 10 years, assuming about 8,200 gender dysphoric troops undergo the taxpayer-funded surgical operations.

Based on the low RAND study estimates of nondeployable time of 210 days, the 8,213 surgical procedures would lead to a total of 1,724,730 days of nondeployable time, or 4,725 years!

The White House directive to Secretary of Defense Mattis mostly applies to new recruits and gives the Pentagon the discretion of discharging current gender dysphoric troops based on deployability. The memo also instructs the Pentagon to stop paying for transgender medical treatment for those currently serving.

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