Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tillerson says Palestinians won't pay families of terrorists

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said to lawmakers Tuesday that the Palestinian Authority (PA) assured him the Palestinian Liberation Organization is going to change their policy of paying terrorists for killing Jews and paying families of terrorists when terrorists get killed in the process of killing Jews.

This new policy goes against the 1400-year-old practice of killing Jews as commanded in the Quran and Hadith.

But Israeli and Palestinian leaders are disputing Tillerson's account, made in a hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He told senators that on his most recent trip to Bethlehem, the PA said the PLO would be revising their policy.

"They have changed their policy, at least, I have been informed they've changed that policy, and . . . their intent is to cease the payments to the family members of those who have committed murder or violence against others," Tillerson said. "So, it is--we've been very clear with them that this is simply not acceptable to us."

Tillerson explained that PA leaders argued that they must take care of widows and orphans, but he told them Americans cannot see any reasonable explanation for paying off terrorists in what the PA calls a "martyr fund."

Israel has tried to get the PA to stop the "martyr fund" where payments are made to about 35,000 families of Islamic terrorists who are killed in their religious obligation against the Jews. Because it is a religious conflict, suicide bombings gets the martyr 72 virgins and the family a couple of bucks to deal with it.

But Palestinian Minister of Prisoner Affairs Issa Karake says the payments must continue and calls them a "national, social and humanitarian duty."

Can you see an end to this lunacy?

If the PA stops paying terrorists and their families, it would be totally un-Islamic. 

Wanna bet they're lying?

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