Monday, June 12, 2017

Gun control capital of the US: 43 shot, 6 dead

Six people were killed and 37 were wounded in the war zone known as Chicago this weekend. The attacks included two rifle homicides in Back of the Yards, nine people were shot in an incident in Lawndale, where the lawns are littered with casings, and there were double shootings on the River Walk and at 31st Street Beach.

Thus far, there have been 275 homicides, but on the bright side, that's 9 fewer than last year.

Only 1,520 people have been shot in Chicago this year, down 150 from last year, but still outpacing the American casualties in the entire Middle East. Last year was the most violent Chicago has seen in twenty years and everyone knows that only Barack Obama can be blamed for the mess he caused in his supposed 'home town.'

In Brighton Park, rifle shootings are the in thing--two people were murdered within 24 hours this past weekend.

Rahm Emanuel, the 44th Mayor of the "Windy City" and leftist gun control advocate, isn't worried about the shootings. He has full, round-the-clock protection, as top politicians do. 

Since March of last year, no less than 20 people have been murdered and an additional 47 wounded in rifle shootings. 

Handguns are the typical 'weapon of choice' for the gangbangers, but now that they're using rifles, this should get anti-Second Amendment leftists going after those weapons as well.

But gun control only works for the law abiding person who turns his weapon in, while the bad guys don't and get a huge advantage.

So what's Chicago to do?

It isn't so much about gun control--not when a 13-year-old girl was stabbed and beaten to death in the Sheridan Park neighborhood Sunday night--it's about the culture, the lack of both parents in the house, the lack of structure and some discipline coupled with love.

When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose.

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