Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Did Hillary and Loretta work together?

Is it possible that Hillary Clinton and Department of Justice head Loretta Lynch work together in "collusion" in which the Clinton clan was warned by the DOJ about one of Clinton's court cases? Gosh, that would make Hillary Clinton a liar. 

A WikiLeaks document dump shows this to be the case.

The email in May 2015 from Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said, "DOJ folks inform me there is a status hearing in this case this morning, so we could have a window into the judge's thinking about this proposed production schedule as quickly as today."

The email probably pertained to one of the lawsuits seeking the production of her emails while acting as secretary of state and not doing such a great job of it.

A status hearing would be public information in any case, but it isn't clear as to whether or not there was further contact between the Clinton campaign and the DOJ.  

But discussions about the Clinton emails (which are really our property) with the DOJ is improper and a strong conflict in terms of the role of the DOJ. But in today's climate where everything has been politicized, we shouldn't be surprised that a liberal heading the DOJ would give a heads up to a liberal who had legal difficulties. 

Heck, even James Comey knows that.

"Today's report that Clinton's campaign was in communication with the Obama Department of Justice on the email investigation shows a level of collusion which calls into question the entire investigation into her private server," Jason Miller, Donald Trump's campaign spokesman said in a statement.

The RNC even discussed the tarmac meeting that Lynch had with Bill Clinton just before the FBI's director James Comey and DOJ decided to let Hillary off the hook, in spite of how others have been sent to prison for less.

Clinton's minions accused WikiLeaks of working on behalf of the Russian to boost Trump's chances of winning the presidential election, but in spite of that, they refuse to produce the documents the imply are not telling the truth.

That suggests that Hillary Clinton and the truth do not have a close relationship.

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