Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Yale apologizes to liberal offense monitors

Lurking around every corner of society is a new breed of liberal: offense monitors.

They live to be offended. They thrive on calling people out who didn't never mean to offend, but have nevertheless offended the offense monitors with either a micro-aggression, an 'offensive' photo, or a word that implies that some group, somewhere on the planet, would and should feel offended.

The Yale University offense monitors have found a program cover designed for the 100th game between the Ivy League school and its traditional rival, Dartmouth College, is offensive to no less than 11 native Americans in North America and probably more.

The game is to be played this Saturday and features the combination of several previous program covers from games between the schools before the creation of offense monitors. One cover from 1944 showed a Yale player setting fire to an American Indian's clothing. That's really disgusting and I score one for the offense monitors in this case.

The executive director of Yale's indigenous performing arts program called the images "dehumanizing." He makes a valid point, but I suspect the designer of the cover intended to boost the morale of Yale showing that they will beat the "Indians" on the gridiron. 

The director of athletics Tom Beckett agreed the images on the cover was offensive and he apologized profusely, bringing a slightly twisted smile to the lips of several offense monitors.

Now you need to understand that Dartmouth was founded in 1769 with the purpose of educating Native American youth, a group of people who used to be called 'Indians' before the advent of the offense monitors. Its sports teams were informally known as the Indians until the 1970s when Big Green was adopted.

The offense monitors are now making efforts to remove the word 'Big' from the team's name as it is offensive to short people.

The truth is, if you want to find something offensive about something, you probably can. This is one case where I agree with the offense monitors . . . one of the very few.

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