The U.S. State Department is going to re-open an internal investigation regarding whether Hillary "He-did-not-have-sex-with-that-woman" Clinton and her top aides Huma Abedin, Jake Sullivan and Cheryl Mills mishandled classified information while Clinton was Secretary of State. This was confirmed by FoxNews Thursday.
The investigation will focus on how classified emails sent and received by Clinton's private server were categorized at the time they were sent. The investigation actually began in January after finding 22 emails from her server were classified as "top secret." But when the FBI started their investigation regarding Clinton's "home-brew" email setup last April, the State Department put a halt on their investigation.
State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement, "Given the Department of Justice has now made its announcement, the State Department intends to conduct its internal review. Our goal will be to be as transparent as possible about our, while complying with our various legal obligations."
And if you believe any truth about Clinton and her minions will come out of this, you probably also believe that snakes have hips.
Kirby set no deadline for the investigation but you can be sure, it will be after January 2017 and will likely exonerate her and her aides. I'm not 100% certain, but it's a powerful gut feeling.
Kirby said that the former aides can still face "administrative sanctions" which could even be the loss of security clearances, and the only way they would be able to obtain top secret information would be on Hillary's presidential basement server if [G_d forbid] she becomes president.
She would merely need to provide them with her password.
But seriously, if she became president, she would need to rethink who she'd appoint on her national security team.
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