Friday, May 20, 2016

Hillary goes after Donald, Obama-style

Guantanamo Bay Detention Center is, according to the Obama administration and brain-dead liberals, a recruiting center for jihadist terrorists. So detaining terrorist suspects and incarcerating them gets other potential jihadist Muslims to join the cause of jihad.

Aggressively fighting Islamic terrorism with drones and sending American 'advisors' into war zones is another recruiting tool for terrorists according to these same liberals. It obviously enrages young Muslim men who then get on jets and fly to Raqqa or other terrorist base to fight the holy war.

Donald Trump's plan to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the country is going to increase terrorist recruitment, according to Hillary Clinton. The Muslims, who have to be weak-minded if you follow Clinton's thinking, will see Trump as an enemy of Muslims, not a protector of the United States.

So, if we go along with liberal thinking, the best method for defeating Islamic terrorism is to not fight them or put them in prison, but allow them and other Muslims to come to our country because they will eventually come to like us.

Clinton said: "When you run for president of the United States, the entire world is listening and watching. So when you say you're going to bar all Muslims, you're sending evidence to the Muslim world, and you're also sending a message to terrorists . . . Donald Trump is essentially being used as a recruiter for more people to join the cause of terrorism."

Of course, Clinton's correct in saying that only a tiny minority, say 5 to 10% of all Muslims are extremely religious, although she doesn't phrase it that way. But if banning all Muslims "temporarily until we can find out what's going on" will cause so-called 'moderate' Muslims to radicalize, she is implying that Muslims aren't smart enough to understand our predicament with terrorism and the Muslims who perpetrate it in the name of Islam.

After eight years of limp-wristed words that sound like they've been read off a template, and that merely cause jihadists to wet their chuddy-pants, people are sick of the same old garbage. And it's clear that liberals who spout it are either too stupid or too afraid to call out the "religion of peace" with the truth.

What Trump says publicly  is what many people say in private.

This is why they are voting for Trump over Clinton when it comes to terrorism, because after 1400 years of this crap, it's time for the old approach that worked.

And the same goes for illegal immigration.

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