Monday, March 7, 2016

Wannabe ISIS brides stopped before they left

Israe and Louisa, French teens ages 15 and 16 respectively, ran away from their homes to join ISIS in Syria and get married to terrorists. Luckily for them, but not so lucky for the pedophiles who want to emulate their so-called prophet, their classmates notified the police. This touched off a national search.

A public prosecutor told reporters that "One of the girls was already suspected of radicalization and was under surveillance. She had been placed in a group home and banned from leaving the country. On Saturday morning, we also enacted a travel ban on the second girl."

According to Israe's mother, Nadia, her daughter had tried to run away to Syria first when she was 13. "It is not easy to break this cycle . . . she has been sucked in by it," Nadia said. "She wanted to go to Syria to help the children and serve a good cause."

Then she wanted to marry a man who might just go ahead and kill those children for a twisted cause. Jihad cool, some call it.

French intelligence says that 81 French kids have left for Syria, 51 of them girls. Last year 3 British girls went to Syria to become ISIS brides and their families have lost contact with them this year.

One girl was caught in an attempt to blow up a synagogue, an act that Mohammed himself would approve of as anti-semitism is a Koranic prescription. After being caught, she was "de-radicalized" and is hopefully on the path to mental health.

Two Austrian girls, Samra Kesinovic and Sabina Selimovic, left for ISIS in 2014. Both have been killed--one in fighting for ISIS the other was beaten to death by ISIS for trying to leave. It's kind of like what the religion recommends for anyone leaving the religion of peace.

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