Friday, March 11, 2016

Hillary's biggest lie

Let's face it, the term 'honest politician' is an oxymoron. Politicians all lie--every last one of them--and you can tell when they're lying when you hear their vocal chords vibrate.

Hillary Clinton isn't only no exception to this premise, she's the leading Queen, Liar Superior, Speaketh with Forked Tongue politician alive.

The former Secretary of State with the highest air mileage to lack of accomplishments ratio is basically calling the mother of Sean Smith a liar. She says Mrs. Smith is "wrong" when she said that Clinton lied about the Benghazi attack being caused by an anti-Muslim video and not a terrorist attack.

The former First Liar told Politico the following, which when a lie is spotted, will be put in italics:
"You know, look, I feel a great deal of sympathy for the families of the four brave Americans that we lost in Baghdad. And I can't even imagine the grief that she has for losing her son. But she's wrong. She's absolutely wrong. I and everybody in the administration, all the people she named--the president, the vice president, Susan Rice [then UN Ambassador] we were scrambling to get information and that was changing literally by the hour."
When Jorge Ramos, a co-moderator at the Democratic debate questioned "Sister Twisted Story" about Mrs. Smith's accusation of lying to the American public about how the attacks transpired, and telling Chelsea the truth, she sneered as she said, "Well, Jorge, that makes my point."

She also refused to address the issue of her private server and possible indictment.

The final lie came when she said, "Good night" to the moderators.

Let's be clear: the CIA knew in real time the attacks were not due to a video and were well orchestrated. They weren't from "some guys out in the street going for a walk." It makes a difference because Clinton stood in front of the four caskets of the dead and told Mrs. Smith that "{We} are going to get the guy who made that video."

Lucky for Hillary that she is incapable of feeling shame or guilt. If she did, she would have resigned and that would have been the right thing to do.

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