Friday, March 11, 2016

ISIS captives must endure 30 days in slammer

We are the most forgiving nation on earth. We used to waterboard captives for information that might save American lives--lucky for them, we stopped that enhanced interrogation technique because it wasn't very nice.

We used to capture ISIS jihadists and put them in Gitmo, but the Obama administration is in the process of trying to close the facility, so we are sending the terrorists to countries that will take them; countries that will probably hand out candy in celebration when they arrive.

Now our military is not planning to hold ISIS captives for more than a month before turning them in to those same Islamic State sympathizers.

It's easy to see why people are flocking to join ISIS--they know they can get away with murder and in the process, get a free pass to Paradise. 

It's a win-kaboom-win situation.

Col. Steve Warren, a U.S. military spokesman based in Baghdad said that "Fourteen to thirty days is a ballpark figure, but even that is not really completely nailed down. There isn't a hard definition of short-term."

Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Cook compared detainee policy the same way Obama defined his views on gay marriage: they're evolving. Cook said cases would be handled on a case-by-case" basis over a "short-term" period.

The absence of clear policy on how to handle terrorists is a cause of concern on Capitol Hill, but the chances they will actually do anything about it is approximately the same as an establishment wonk getting elected president. If this should happen, we deserve it.

At least 12 Republican senators, including Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, have introduced a bill to send captured scumcrumpets to Gitmo--hopefully, for more than thirty days.

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