Friday, March 4, 2016

Brian Pagliano to testify with immunity on emails

Bryan Pagliano, a former Hillary Clinton aide, has been given immunity and will be testifying about the private email server he helped put together for Ms. Clinton. The server was stored in a bathroom in  Colorado.

The chances are excellent that the server has been hacked by our enemies.

Federal law prohibits the use of a private server, and especially prohibits private servers used for receiving and sending classified information, especially Top Secret and most especially Special Access Programs that could endanger the lives of assets in the field. You know, spies and stuff.

The big problem for Clinton, however, is the issue of passwords.

If it turns out that Hillary shared her password with, say, Huma Abedin-Weiner, or anyone else on her staff, she would be in big trouble. Or maybe she'll just get a free "Get Out of Jail" card because of her royalty status. 

She would be in bigger trouble, however, if she shared her password with Anthony Weiner and so would he.

By sharing her password, anyone on her staff would obviously have access to her emails, which is yet another law she would have broken, but now her cronies would be in big trouble too.

Clinton continues to refer to the FBI investigation that is looking into a possible breaching of the Espionage Act as a "security review," which is like saying the 911 Benghazi attack was due to spoiled popcorn in Mohammad flick.

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