Sunday, March 20, 2016

Ash Carter's tough words to Iran

The Obama administration will go down in history as being the toughest, most vocabulary-strong nation in North America. We don't need to confront our enemies on a battlefield, we can do it with words in the media. That's sure to bring the fear of Allah into the hearts of Iran and other foe.

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter defined Iran's treatment of American sailors they detained this past January as "outrageous." He even said that the treatment is "inconsistent with international law," and boy, they're in big trouble now that the Senate Armed Services Committee heard those powerful words on Wednesday.

Carter thinks the nuclear deal with Iran will actually get them to not develop nuclear weapons. But he had to acknowledge that "our concerns with Iran persist."

Gee, ya think?

Carter sent this barrage of words out against Iran:
"I want to say some words about Iran's treatment of our sailors on Farsi Island back in January. As I made clear then Iran's actions were outrageous, unprofessional and inconsistent with international law and nothing we've learned about the circumstances of this incident since then changes that fact. It's because of Iran's recklessness and destabilizing behavior in that part of the world that DOD remains full speed ahead in our investments, our planning, and our posture to ensure that we deter Iran's aggression, deter its malign influence and uphold our ironclad commitments to our regional friends and allies, especially Israel, to whom we maintain an unwavering, and unbreakable commitment."

In spite of Iran's anticipation of these strong and harsh words, an Iranian general bragged how the Islamic Republic had over 13,000 pages of intelligence from the computers of the sailors, the GPS devices, and maps. They also made videos of the sailors and claimed that one of them cried on camera while they kneeled at gunpoint.

Had Iran known how harsh our Secretary of Defense's words were going to be, they would have thought twice about capturing our sailors and humiliating them for all the world to see.

Then they would have gone ahead and did exactly what they did. They know how Obama's words are as weak as his three-point shot. 

All hat, no cattle.

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