Tuesday, February 2, 2016

North Korea almost locked and loaded to launch long-range missile

According to one U.S. official, Pyongyang is merely "days away" from launching a ballistic missile that is nuclear-capable and has intercontinental capabilities. The missile is quite similar to the one they launched in 2012, and although North Korea usually announces their launches in advance, calling them "space launches," this missile is built like an ICBM.

There goes our Ground Hog Day.

The United Nations and others will be very miffed and will likely do nothing, to keep in form with what the United States does under this administration. Oh, they'll squawk and shake limp fists, but nothing will be done in spite of the fact that long-range missile tests were banned to prevent the further proliferation of nukes by Kim Jung Un and his Hair Club for Men members.

According to an official at the International Maritime Organization in London, North Korea said that an Earth observation satellite will be launched sometime between February 8th and 25th. I believe they should launch it on our President's Day celebration on February 15th to punctuate how desperately the United States needs a real president.

To understand the chronology of the U.S. - North Korean Nuclear and Missile Diplomacy, go here.

Our current nuclear deal with Iran is likely a much worse case scenario because they have an end-times agenda. They will not be afraid of a nuclear holocaust that will assure them of what they believe will be "Paradise."

And that will be the end of Ground Hog Day.

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