Thursday, January 14, 2016

Muslim refugee: "I want to blow myself up--I am against America"

Texas--an Iraqi refugee who's facing charges of helping ISIS wanted to set off bombs at two Houston malls. He was in the process of learning how to make electronic transmitters that are capable of detonating explosive devices. 

Omar Faraj Saeed Al Hardan came to Houston, Texas from Iraq in 2009. He was indicted last week on three charges, which includes attempting to provide support to a designated terrorist organization (not Obama's buddies, the Muslim Brotherhood). Al Hardan pleaded not guilty to all charges on Wednesday.

Bail was denied by U.S. District Judge Lynn Hughes as it was ruled that there would be a serious risk if Al Hardan fled once released, which he would, if he could. She made her decision after hearing testimony from Homeland Security Agent Herman Wittliff. 

Agent Wittliff said that in addition to Al Hardan wanting to set off bombs at two malls, including the Galleria mall, the misinterpretor of Islam was also learning how to make electronic devices that would be capable of setting off bombs remotely, which would allow him more than one opportunity to wreak havoc and mayhem. "He wanted to build them (the transmitters) for ISIL," the agent said.

For some strange reason, Al Hardan's arrest prompted criticism of Obama's refugee policies from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott. The governor has led Republican governors calling for a halt to resettlement of Syrian refugees in their states.

Immigrant advocates who will not be living in the close proximity of any refugees say they have total confidence in the vetting process even though it cannot be done effectively according to rational law enforcement authorities such as Jim Comey, head of the FBI.

Al Hardan's older brother, Saeed Faraj Saeed Al Hardan al Gore bin Al Qaeda, said his brother has denied any wrongdoing and that neither his brother or anyone in their family had ever expressed any support for the Islamic State--at least not openly.

Prosecutors say that Al Hardan was working along with another scumcrumpet Iraqi refugee living in Jerry Moonbeam Brown's state of California. Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab and Al Hardan communicated through Facebook messenger from April 2013 to October 2014. They talked about getting weapons training and slithering their butts to Syria to fight alongside ISIS, Wittliff said.

"Once I get the passport I will leave America; I will leave. I will make a widow of you," Al Hardan said to his cloth-coffin-covered wife, an court excerpt read. "I will go to Syria. I am not a wacko. I am not wacko. I am speaking the truth. I want to blow myself up. I want to blow myself up . . . I am against America."

Then after he does that, he'll make the electronic detonators.

The solution is obvious, according to the Obama administration. Just bring in more refugees. They will point out who the bad guys are and we can send them back to Syria with a baggie lunch/

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