Thursday, January 14, 2016

ISIS takes the credit for Jakarta attack

The JV team, the 80,000 Islamic terrorists who pose no existential threat to the United States, the terrorists in black who have struck in at least 20 countries, killed over 1100 civilians, and are recruiting faster than any other group of scumcrumpets, are claiming credit for the Jakarta attack.

The ISIS backed attackers set off a series of explosions in a busy shopping area Thursday morning. So-called experts are saying that the attack was mimicking the Paris attack in November that killed 130 people.

A Canadian and an Indonesian died in the explosions and gunfire, and all five of the attackers died, some who were blown to smithereens by their suicide vests, others by returning gunfire from the good guys. An additional 19 people were injured on scene. The attack was in a fairly close proximity to the U.S. Embassy and presidential palace.

The attackers used the similar technique often found in use by the religion of peace: they blow one of their guys up, maybe kill a few people in the process, and when people run from the scene, they shoot them dead. 

But based on the firepower these dirtbags used--handguns, homemade bombs and grenades--and the fact that it took place in a gun-free area, which naturally meant that these were soft targets, it's amazing that the death toll wasn't significantly higher.

"We have identified all attackers . . . we can say that the attackers were affiliated with the ISIS group," Maj. General Anton Charilyan, the national police spokesman said.

Dutch Foreign Minister Bert Koenders said of the attack that "terrorism can hit everybody. Whether you are shopping in the heart of Paris, in a New York office, or on vacation in Jakarta."

Everybody but our politicians who are protected by brave men carrying guns.

This was the first major Islamic terrorist attack in Indonesia since the 2009 bombing when two hotels were hit, seven people died and over fifty were injured. 

Indonesian president Jokowi Widodo said in a televised statement that "This act is clearly aimed at disturbing public order and spreading terror among people." Widodo is currently out of the country on a working visit in Java. He added, "The state, the nation and the people should not be afraid of, and lose to, such terror acts." 

His armed guards agreed.

Jim Kenney, the mayor of Philadelphia does not in any way, shape or form believe these attacks to have anything to do with Islam and that people shouldn't believe what they read in the Koran.

According to an American working in Jakarta, one should not be surprised that this attack has occurred due to the large number of residents who have traveled to Islamic State, and they weren't going there for the entertainment.

The first suicide bomber went to pieces at anti-gun Starbucks restaurant causing customers to run out only to be shot at by two Muslim ISIS workers. This is when the Canadian was killed and an Indonesian wounded.

Almost simultaneously, two more suicide bombers attacked a traffic police booth in the area killing an Indonesian man and blowing themselves up into little pieces. One was identified by his molten earwax and the other by a fragment of scrotum. 

A few minutes after the police booth attack, policemen were attacked by the remaining two Muslims using homemade bombs (possibly made in the kitchen of their moms). A gun battle ensued for about 15 minutes and both attackers got to choose from 144 virgins that went missing from the heavenly herd tended to by a man named David.

After the attacks ended, police found six homemade explosive devices in the building housing Starbucks, where no cups inscribed with Black Lives Matter could be recovered.

The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta released a message warning Americans to avoid the Sari Pan Pacific Hotel and Sarinah Plaza area during the attack.

Starbucks said its Jakarta stores would be closed until further notice causing customers to scramble to find establishments where they could purchase $5.00 cups of mochachiappinopirana cafe with a dollop of creme.

"We are deeply saddened by the senseless acts that have taken place in Jakarta today," a company statement read. "Our hearts are with the people of Indonesia."

These "senseless" acts are only senseless to people who don't want to know why Islamic terrorists do what they do. To ISIS, killing infidels makes perfect sense--that's the really scary part of all this.

And by the way, what is Starbucks going to do without their hearts in the meantime?

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