Thursday, January 14, 2016

Palestinian jihadist killed before he killed Israeli soldiers

Israel did the unthinkable--it defended itself from Palestinian militants who were placing explosives along the border. One Islamic Hamasshole was killed.

"When you grow up, you can be a martyr too"
The plan was to kill Israeli troops along the northern border of Gaza but Israel didn't play fair and went after them before they could do any killing.

A 31-year-old was killed and three others were wounded. The dead guy was identified as a member of the Al-Aqsa Martys Brigades, a group that is part of Palestinian President Abbas' Fatah group. May his virgins have exploding uteruses. 

Salah Bardawil, an official Hamasshole, said that Israel was "playing with fire" in the airstrike. Yes, indeed they were, and it blew away the 31-year-old scumcrumpet before he could do damage.

Hamas hates it when Israel fights back.

Palestinian attacks have killed 24 Israeli civilians in recent months and at least 141 Palestinians have been killed by Israelis who refused to allow the Palestinians what they consider their religious duty.

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