Friday, January 15, 2016

Breaking: Graham endorses Jeb in a sad way

South Carolina-- Speaking into a microphone that sounded reminiscent of the days when kids used tin cans and a string as communication devices, Lindsey Graham announced his support for Jeb Bush Friday morning as the GOP candidate for president.

Personally, I felt a bit sad as Graham made the announcement on Fox News. 


Because I can imagine Donald Trump responding: "Lindsey is a good guy, but Lindsey is a looooser. A big looooser, in fact. And he's endorsing another looooser, Jeb Bush. The endorsement isn't going to help Jeb's poll numbers. By the way, I have the best poll numbers and Jeb's poll numbers keep falling more and more. It's amazing, I tell you."

Jeb, stoop-shouldered and towering over Graham, looked grateful, but appeared to want to be elsewhere.

I suspect we've reached a point in the campaign race where people like Dr. Carson, Paul and Bush need to accept the fact that they have as much chance of winning as the Powerball Lottery winners have of being struck by lightning while making a hole-in-one on a Trump golf course.

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