Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Palestinian man killed; blame it on Mohammad

Jerusalem -- A Palestinian man was killed by Israeli military as he tried to stab a pedestrian at a busy West Bank junction. Another Israeli was also stabbed prior to the Israeli intervention--he was only slightly wounded.

The wave of Islamic anti-Semitism began back when Mohammad was having his scribe write the Koran, the alleged word of Allah, the moon god of the Pagans.

This latest attack in Jerusalem is the latest one in a wave that began in mid-September. The excuse for killing Jews that is being used by Palestinians is over the Jerusalem holy site. Imams and other so-called religious leaders of Islam have called for the killing of Jews to honor the wishes of Mohammad, a guy who was upset when the Jews refused to follow his religion of peace.

Since the September attacks began, 19 Jews have been killed, mostly by stabbings and shootings. On the other side of the scoreboard, 99 Palestinians have been killed, 64 of whom were trying to kill Jews. The remaining 35 Muslim Palestinians died in battles with Israeli forces.

Israel claims the violence is due to Palestinian incitement and incendiary videos on social media. Palestinians say the violence is caused by their frustration over their lack of hope for obtaining independence as a separate state. I say the cause is due to down-home anti-Semitism that began at the start of the religion of peace.

Muslims throughout the world refuse to accept non-Muslims as neighbors and expect special treatment when they are in the minority. Once they gain sufficient numbers in population, they become increasingly violent and act out against infidels, particularly Jews, but they also go after Christians and all other religions that don't "worship" as they do.

Islam is the religion of total intolerance when practiced in an orthodox manner. If you travel to Saudi Arabia, for example, you better not take a Bible or any other religious artifacts, They will be confiscated at the airport and destroyed.

Try doing that to a Koran and see what happens.

"From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," is the chant of the Palestinians. When you look at the words of this chant, it's obvious they are referring to the River Jordan to the Mediterranean Sea. That's all of Israel and all of the Jews therein.

They want it all, so Palestine, stop pretending to be the victim.

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