Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Hillary's emails show a lot about her testimony

In light of newly released emails from her private server, Hillary Clinton may have been lying about her testimony regarding Benghazi and the role Sidney Blumenthal may have played. If so, nothing will happen to her, I predict. Unless she publicly beheads a puppy on NBC and drinks the blood, she will not spend any time in prison for her total incompetence and disregard to the pleas for increased security by Ambassador Chris Stevens that never came, and  led to the death of him and three brave Americans at the Benghazi mission, (and the mission of the mission is still unknown to us).

Hillary lied that Blumenthal did not act as her adviser when she was the incompetent Secretary of State under so-called President Obama. The emails Blumenthal sent and received to and from Clinton suggests he was indeed telling her how to do her job, in spite of her claim that "He's a friend of mine. He sent me information he thought might be of interest. Some of it was, some of it wasn't, some of it I forwarded to be followed up on. He had no official position in the government and he was not at all my adviser on Libya."

Hillary told the truth on one point in the above statement: "He had no official position in the government." Yes, that is true and because it is true, should have made headlines across the country because the Clintons tell the truth as often as Halley's Comet makes its journey in our solar system (Google it).

Of course she'd say he had no official position in the government--Obama forbade it and told her to keep him away from her job. She said she would, but alas, she lied even to her boss.

Blumenthal sent an email in February 2011 advocating for a no-fly zone over Libya: "U.S. might consider advancing tomorrow. Libyan helicopters and planes are raining terror on cities." Hillary got the email and forwarded it to Jake Sullivan, her deputy chief of staff. She asked Sullivan: "What do you think of this idea?"

I'd call that advising and my dictionary would agree. I'd also would call Hillary Clinton a liar because she lied at the House Committee Hearing on Benghazi.

After British PM Tony Blair advocated for the same thing the following month, Hillary advocated for a no-fly zone and was able to get the Obama folks on her and Blumenthal's bandwagon.

In March 2012, Hillary used Sidney as an information gatherer as the emails showed Libya to be in a state of political chaos and fragmentation after Qaddafi was thrown out of power.

But Hillary testified under oath that Blumenthal wasn't acting as her adviser.

However, another document by Blumenthal to Clinton states that Jonathan Powell, an adviser to Blair, is setting up secret channels between insurgents and government, "and then, where appropriate, developing these negotiations."

It only took 2 hours for Hillary's response saying "I'd like to see Powell when he's in the building." Her staff responded "Will follow up."

I'd call that advising too.

When Clinton lied under oath when asked by Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-Kan) that none of the requests for more diplomatic security reached her, he responded: "That's over 600 requests. You've testified here this morning that you had none of those reach your desk; is that correct also?"

Her lips moved, which caused her to lie: "That's correct," she said.

But the State Department website clearly states that it is the Secretary of State who has the overall responsibility for the "well-being" of personnel on assignment and it doesn't end with "security professionals," as Clinton's lying lips said.

And while it is clear that Clinton had the responsibility of providing adequate security to the Ambassador and the others at the mission, she also lied about email requests not reaching her desk--they clearly did. 

There was an August 22, 2011 email from Chris Stevens requesting humanitarian aid, such as milk and food and the request was provided to her staff and delegated for action in less than an hour. Clinton responded within 17 minutes after receiving the email with "Can we arrange shipments of what's requested?"

Hillary apparently treated sensitive material like it was no big deal. One email from February 2012 reveals that she sent an urgent message to an office manager regarding the fact that she had left a white briefing book, used for classified and sensitive information, on her desk. The office manager told her it was correctly stored in the safe. Oh boy, could she have gotten into trouble.

But could she? Will she?
I wonder what "The View" thinks of her face

Hillary uses her lack of technology to relinquish her from responsibility and having to deal with consequences of her incompetence. "Oh poor me; I'm just a 68 year old girl who thinks that wiping a server requires a clean, lint-free cloth."

Our so-called president also tends to think of the truth as an inconvenience. He told CBS' "60 Minutes" that he didn't know Hillary had a personal account, in spite of the spate of emails uncovered by a FOIA request. Unfortunately, these emails will not be released under the FOIA request until Obama finally leaves office and America tries to recover from his socialist policies.

Insofar as Hillary's claim about emails not being "marked" classified, that's not an excuse. Information is "born classified" and the State Department can only declassify information that it alone has produced.

There are a lot of questions that remain unanswered but the one thing that should be abundantly clear is that Hillary Clinton is a liar with poor judgment and cannot be trusted to be president.

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