Friday, November 6, 2015

Designating Obama's lunch buddies terrorists

Why are the only members of Congress who are attempting to designate the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) a terrorist organization, Republicans? No member of the party on the left, the party that uses an ass as its symbol, wants to make that leap. While Congress has been as impotent as a eunuch, at least they are now making an attempt at calling a terrorist, a terrorist .  .  .  in spite of Obama.

The pro-Israel blog Stand With Us clearly depicts the true goals of the MB and illustrates the danger it presents to the non-Muslim world. It leaves us with no doubt as to the true intentions of the MB and their willingness to employ terrorism to obtain their goal.

The five Middle East countries that aren't afraid of making the terrorist claim regarding the MB should shame us for failing to be honest and proactive simply to avoid insulting a group of Islamists whose founder said:
"It is the nature of Islam to dominate, not to be dominated, to impose its law on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet." MB founder Hassan al-Banna
Hamas' own charter describes itself as "one of the wings of the Muslim Brotherhood." But perhaps Obama doesn't view Hamas as a terrorist organization either. He certainly shows no love of Israel as our ally and would have it be destroyed if they went along with the borders Obama prescribed they regress back to from 1967. 

But even more, the MB calls for jihad against "the Muslim's real enemies, not only Israel but also the United States. Waging jihad against both of these infidels is a commandment of Allah that cannot be disregarded." These are the words of the MB Supreme Guide Muhammed Badi, Sept. 2010.

At least some in Congress on the right side of the aisle are taking an active stance over designating the MB a terrorist organization. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is leading the charge in the Senate while Mario Diaz-Belart (R-FL) is doing the same in the House and they have introduced a bill.

Cruz spoke hard truth:
"We have to stop pretending that the Brotherhood are not responsible for the terrorism they advocate and finance. We have to see it for what it is: a key international organization dedicated to waging violent jihad . . . Congress owes it to the American people to tell them the truth about this threat. This bill puts the lie to the notion that the Muslim Brotherhood is a peaceful political organization that can be a legitimate partner for America. In 2008 the Justice Department successfully prosecuted the largest terrorism-financing trial in American history arguing that the Muslim Brotherhood directed U.S. affiliates such as the Holy Land Foundation to provide 'media, money and men' to Hamas. That support was used for terrorist attacks against Americans and our allies in the Middle East. When they are capable they will try to do the same thing here."
Now it's up to the State Department and other government agencies to call it like it is and designate the MB a terrorist organization by passing the bill. Sen. Cruz wisely added this language to the bill that "if the Secretary of State determines that the Muslim Brotherhood does not meet the criteria," it must then submit to Congress "a detailed justification as to which criteria have not been met."

That should put Obama's bloomers in a twisted ball.

If the bill passes, it would be nothing short of a miracle on Capital Hill because it will put an end to the American-based "front groups" the MB operates in the USA and will deal with the government infiltration of these scumcrumpets and leave Obama with fewer "folks" with whom to share lunchtime chatter.

But don't hold your breath.

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