Saturday, June 6, 2015

Taliban Five refused to be turned

It's hard to keep a good man down, as the saying goes, and it looks like the Taliban Five may prove this true. Not that these miscreants are good men by our definition, but when it comes to being a "good" terrorist, these guys wrote the Koran.

The Obama administration, as you know, released the Taliban Five for an alleged low-life traitor, Bowe Bergdahl, but what they didn't tell their employees (that's the US citizens, by the way) is that the government tried to recruit them to turn on their own people with intel to kill them.

I mean, like how un-Islamic can we get?

Catherine Herridge of Fox News got the story. She reported that our plans were to "flip" these terrorist leaders into becoming snitches, but they wouldn't go for it, and one of her sources said that the effort was a "total failure." This was backed up by a second source familiar with the plan.

The reason for the attempt to "flip" these creeps was to increase the Obama administration's chances of  reducing terrorist recidivism. Fat chance that these guys would go against their religion when they're willing to die for it.

Josh Notso Earnest, when asked about this matter, made it sound all "hush-hush," as if knowledge of Obama's stupidity would be a security issue rather than a misreading of these Islamic jihadists. 

Obama, with his first-hand knowledge of Islam, should have known better. Perhaps he was putting himself in their sandals by figuring if it was his butt in Gitmo, he would have ratted out his own mother to get free.

Marie Harf (the "H" is pronounced like a "B") State Department Spokesbottleblond, was asked by Fox News if the men's presence [in Qatar] where they were given the hero treatment, would increase their ability to re-engage with terrorist networks.

The Mensa reject answered thusly: "I'm not sure why that would be the case. It seems like pure speculation to me."

Harf never acknowledged the notion that speculation works both ways. Did it ever occur to this Islamic-jihad-friendly administration that the Taliban Five would reconnect with their terror buddies to kill as many infidels as possible once they were freed?

The "head in the nether regions" decision to swap the 5 leaders of terrorism for a scumbag traitor without telling Congress is now the subject of a national security debate, says Fox News.

National Security Council spokesman Ned Price said, "Although we cannot detail the measures the United States and our partners take to mitigate the potential threat posed by these former detainees, it is fair to say that we remain both vigilant and in close contact on these matters. We have relied on extensive monitoring measures and travel restrictions to prevent them from threatening our interests." 

Marie Harf responded to Price, "What does 'mitigate' mean?"

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