Sunday, June 14, 2015

Kurdish and Arab women flee, then expose who they really are

June 7, 2015: Kurdish and Arab women who escaped ISIS held territory celebrate the freedom of being individual human beings and throw off their niqabs and black abayas as the cross the border. An abaya is a long, loose coat  that covers a woman's body, while a niqab covers the face. Islamic men have been known to lose control upon the sight of women's skin.

Journalists on the border were able to document the moment 

ISIS, as you may know, are a religious group who believe that women who expose even an inch of their skin, are going against the religion of peace, and it is perfectly acceptable to kill them in an agonizing way by throwing stones at them as they are buried with only their heads exposed, or taking those heads and removing them from the body below.

Ah, but what can you do? It's their religion, even though some like Obama, Cameron and most other leaders in the West deny that ISIS is Islamic, it's all there in the good ole Koran.

But there's a "but." In Darna, Libya, the Islamic State (can't imagine where they got that name) has taken over and they made street announcements that women are now mandated to wear a veil that covers their face and to cover their [hot, alluring] hands. IS also announced that the women's "guardians," (an Islamic term used to denote any man who is not a woman and is related to the woman in any way) to prevent women from leaving the house wearing makeup.

They have also requested that all goats be kept out of the visual area of the ISIS jihadists lest they lose control.

The women in the city have one week to comply to these Koranic demands or be "severely punished." When ISIS "severely punishes" you, more often than not, you die a very painful death and are often used as a jihadist campfire.

Marshmallows, however, are un-Islamic.

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