Sunday, June 14, 2015

Certainly Not News does it again

CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield needs to drop the "W" and replace it with another letter of the alphabet. She called the psychotic attack on the Dallas Police Headquarters "very courageous and brave." Please, someone remove her head from her nether regions.

Whitless was discussing the shooting with Philip Holloway, a legal analyst, and said, "It was very courageous and brave, if not crazy as well, to open fire on the police headquarters, and now you have this scene, this standoff. So you believe these are the hallmarks of more than one person's involvement?"

There was a slight cringe to go along with Holloway's smile when the bozo dipstick made this statement. He responded: "Well, first off, I will say that the Dallas police department did an excellent job handling this situation, and no one other than the suspect was injured. Yes, I think it's very likely he had some degree of assistance," [possibly from a moron like you, he might have added].

The psychotic gunman James Boulware was shot and killed by a police marksman using a .50 caliber rifle. The high caliber round had to be used in order to pierce the armor of the vehicle this maniac was driving.

Boulware was targeting cops and "did not care" when they confronted him. The attack began when Whitfield's hero of the week began firing an "automatic weapon" through the small gun-slots in the vehicle.

How the ditz on CNN sees this as heroic, rather than the cops who had no armored vehicle and managed to literally dodge bullets and outgun this guy, just shows how even CNN has become antagonistic to our nation's police force.

James Boulware's pops, Jimmy Lee Boulware, 73, told the media that his son purchased the van, a "Zombie Apocalypse Assault Vehicle and Troop Transport. 

He said other things to the media as well, but I'll be damned if I understood a word he said. The guy reminded me of "Banjo Boy" from Deliverance, only without the banjo.

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