Saturday, June 13, 2015

Free Range Prisoners

They're so "not dangerous" we can't
even show his face
Obama promised to end the war in Iraq, so we left Iraq and nothing ended but we lost what we had won under Bush.

Then Obama promised to close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center and he allowed terrorist prisoners to leave, five of them military leaders, for the release of one of our traitors/deserters, Bowe Bergdahl. It appears we have a revolving door policy with Muslim jihadists who want to kill us.

And Obama, like Jeremiah Wright, says he's a Christian.

Now Obama is transferring six more Gitmo prisoners to Oman, which borders Yemen. Among this group of miscreants are two of Osama bin Laden's bodyguards, both of whom would just as soon behead you as look at you.

Sen. Kelly Ayote (R-NH) said of Yemen that it is "a country engulfed in civil war and that serves as the headquarters for al Qaeda's most dangerous affiliate."

All six of these terrorists call Yemen their caliphate HQ. They left Friday from Gitmo and Obama made them pinky-swear not to do bad things to Americans, except maybe Jews, as he seems to not give a rat's butt about Israel.

Congress has been trying to put restrictions on these moves, mostly because, unlike Obama, they actually believe many of the terrorists will try to reconnect with their brothers in Koran.

When Hussein Obama took the throne in 2008, there were 242 scumcrumpets in Gitmo; now there are 116. That means Barack has released 126 prisoners, and let's face it, nobody has any actual knowledge if they went back to the fight. But people who are willing to die in the name of Allah, have a good chance of doing just that.

National Security Council spokesbutt, Ned Price echoed Obama's argument that keeping Gitmo open weakens national security by draining resources, damages our relations with key allies [not Israel] and partners and emboldens violent extremists.

Let's look at what Price said:

1. Keeping Gitmo open weakens national security by draining resources. 

Yes, it definitely costs mucho dinero to keep those prisoners in Gitmo; about $2.7 million per year per prisoner. But letting them go and having them kill Americans can't be measured in money. Also, the resources we use just to hunt them down far exceeds keeping them locked up.

2. Damages our relations with key allies.

So now you know what has been damaging our relations with our key allies, like Israel and Saudi Arabia. If you believe that keeping Gitmo open does this, then you must think ISIS is an ally along with Iran. 

These are terrorists who think nothing of burning you alive, chopping off your head, stoning you to death, or throwing you off a high building. Do you really care if we hurt their feelings?

3. Emboldens violent extremists.

This is such a liberal mindset it's laughable.

If we let these morons go, do you think they will be grateful and leave us alone, or do you think they return to their 4 wives, 6 camels, and hate-filled imams as heroes? The thing that emboldens these Islamic jihadists, is the Koran. 

Read it and know.

"Even more disturbing is the fact that the administration has not provided sufficient assurances to Congress or to the public that these terrorists will not return to the battlefield. If they are not securely detained, no one should be surprised if they travel to Yemen and re-engage in terrorist activities," Sen. Ayotte said.

I would be surprised if they don't return to the battlefield. That would mean to them and to those who know them, that they are "bad Muslims" unwilling to wage jihad.
Versus this
The six jihadist transfers are Emad Abdullah Hassan. Emad has been on a hunger strike for 8 years, which means he must be eating something. Actually, they force-feed him nutrients, but perhaps they should just leave him alone. He was Osama's bodyguard, which didn't help Osama all that much, as it turned out.

Emad is protesting his confinement without charge since 2002, so you know that when he has his freedom, he's going to not pick up a weapon to avenge us as he realizes now that to forgive is divine.

The other alleged bodyguards to Osama bin Laden are Idris Ahmad 'Abd Al Qadir and Jalal Salam Awad Awad (the latter being no relation to Sirhan Sirhan).  

Sharaf Ahmad Muhammad Mas'ud was a fighter at Tora Bora and was captured in Pakistan (pronounced Pahkeesthan, by Barack Hussein). He has since reformed and is captain of the Afghan knitting club, posing no danger after his freedom to kill is once again acquired.

Saa'd Nasser Moqbil Al Azani (sounds Italian, but don't be fooled) is a "religious teacher" who we believe has ties to bin Laden's religious adviser. To kill for the sake of Islam is supposed to get you into Paradise. 

And here's another Muhammad: Muhammad Ali Salem Al Zarnuki--he allegedly fought for the Taliban since 1998, but like the others, he has mended his way, given up the teachings of the Noble Koran, and ditched 3 of his 4 wives to be in compliance with Western values. (He kept the 12 year old wife.)

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