Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Why the World Laughs at Obama

Imagine a someone who has never run a company, big or small, and who never worked at any job that wasn't only about talking about abstractions. Now imagine that person dealing with an individual who comes from a culture where every human transaction is some kind of negotiation, some kind of deal-cutting.

This is what the Obama administration is doing with Iran, the superior negotiators. 

Iran first came to the table not knowing what to expect from us. The first thing they saw was John Kerry desperate to make a name for himself and perhaps win a meaningless Nobel Peace Prize for being a liberal (read communist). 

Iran, in its infinite negotiating wisdom, saw the deadline met and passed and now it's been set for today: "April Freaking Fool's Day."

A leading Republican critic of the Iran nuclear talks, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark) believes the U.S. should "walk away." Donald Trump said the same on Fox News last night on the "O'Reilly Factor." Others worry that Iran could get even more final-hour concessions just so that Obama can get his much-desired legacy of having actually accomplished something as POTUS while screwing us blue.

Negotiations resumed in Switzerland today while Iran bragged about bending over backward to show us just how flexible they are. 

This is about as funny as an anti-Semitic Trevor Noah joke told in Jerusalem at a rabbi convention.

"You have to be willing to walk away from the table and to reapply leverage to Iran," Cotton said. "And the fact that they're not willing to do that, that we're still sitting in Switzerland negotiating when three of our negotiating partners have already left just demonstrates to Iran that they can continue to demand dangerous concessions from the West."

Why are we surprised to discover that every nation with electricity thinks Obama is as weak as My Little Kitty?

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