Monday, March 16, 2015

Islamic State Hammers Out a Disagreement on Christian Artifacts

Islamic State Muslims are on the march to destroy everything they can that's Christian in Iraq. The trouble is, if they're successful in Iraq, they will go on to other parts of the world.

From crosses to statues, sacred relics, and churches, nothing is out of bounds for these scum merchants of hate. But other than that, they are quite religious and can often be found reading the Koran or praying to Allah five times a day, in spite of the fact that the Obama administration and David Cameron don't believe that they are Islamic. 

Maybe they're just a bunch of disgruntled Amish.

Middle East Media Research Institute, a watchdog group, discovered a bunch of photos found on the Internet showing the group in Ninevah, Iraq, a once thriving Christian community. The goal of IS, like the goal of all Islam when taken in an orthodox manner, is to make the world a caliphate where only Islam lives. It refuses to tolerate anything but Islam, and each brand of Islam only tolerates its own brand, which is why the Sunnis hate the Shi'as. 

"They don't care what it's called; they are just following their ideology and that means getting rid of churches and minorities. It is the Islamic State, and there's no room for anyone else," MEMRI's Executive Director, Steven Stalinsky said. "This has been going on for some time, a systematic campaign to rid the region of any vestiges of Christianity."

The United Nations has condemned these acts, but the UN condemning anything immoral or unethical is a joke. Those idiots support most other forms of Islamic aggression, except when it impinges on their own country.

When IS heard about the condemnation, they laughed out loud and continued destroying everything Christian they could get their hammers on. Had there been any Jews in the area, they would have taken their hammers out on them and the UN would have remained silent.

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